06-Feb-2020 11:48:15.806 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has finished in [17,517] ms 06-Feb-2020 11:48:15.812 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 11:48:15.821 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [34,898] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:08:53.907 INFO [Thread-16] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.pause Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:53.910 INFO [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.stopInternal Stopping service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.155 WARNING [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesJdbc The web application [ROOT] registered the JDBC driver [org.postgresql.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.157 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@58a6c861]) and a value of type [org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm] (value [ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.157 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@8d8a8b3]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.158 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@46a3016]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.158 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@6697a0ee]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.159 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@76f162e9]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.159 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@22fbea2]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.159 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@5710c471]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.160 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@c5b8ead]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.160 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@71c053e5]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.161 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@7ab72986]) and a value of type [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo] (value [org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.internal.core.MatchedInfo@4503f995]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.161 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@67e0110d]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[org.xwiki.context.ExecutionContext@2024bf75]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.162 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@67e0110d]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[org.xwiki.context.ExecutionContext@5e52f72c]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.163 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@67e0110d]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[org.xwiki.context.ExecutionContext@7a7f6e94]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.409 SEVERE [Thread-16] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [xwiki] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@51b72f33]) and a value of type [org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm] (value [ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.425 INFO [Thread-16] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.stop Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:54.428 INFO [Thread-16] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.destroy Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.257 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu) 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Sep 11 2019 19:47:51 UTC 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Name: Linux 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Version: 4.15.0-76-generic 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Architecture: amd64 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.258 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Version: 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~18.04-b08 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Vendor: Private Build 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/logging.properties 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.259 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -XX:+UseG1GC 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xms1024m 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx2048m 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.260 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.261 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library [1.2.21] using APR version [1.6.3]. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.261 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true]. 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.261 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR/OpenSSL configuration: useAprConnector [false], useOpenSSL [true] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.264 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.345 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.378 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Server initialization in [522] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.406 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal Starting service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.406 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu)] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.416 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.436 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.437 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.520 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:55.521 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.077 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.082 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.082 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.084 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.085 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.086 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.088 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.088 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.089 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.089 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.090 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.090 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.091 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.092 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.092 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.094 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.094 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.095 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.096 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.096 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.098 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.098 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.099 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.100 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.101 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.102 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.103 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.104 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.105 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.105 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.106 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.107 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.107 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.109 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.110 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.110 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.111 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.111 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.136 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.176 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.229 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.340 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.344 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.495 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/tomcat-web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.495 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.496 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.616 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.617 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.953 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.961 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.963 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.966 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:56.997 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:57.001 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:57.189 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:57.236 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:08:57.256 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.746 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.754 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context [/xwiki] startup failed due to previous errors 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.856 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has finished in [5,440] ms 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.856 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] with an external docBase means the directory [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT] in the appBase will be ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:00.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.157 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.158 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.158 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.158 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.456 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.477 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.480 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.480 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.482 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.708 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:01.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.696 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu) 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.697 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Sep 11 2019 19:47:51 UTC 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.697 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.697 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Name: Linux 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.698 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Version: 4.15.0-76-generic 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.698 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Architecture: amd64 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.699 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.699 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Version: 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~18.04-b08 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.699 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Vendor: Private Build 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.699 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.699 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.700 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/logging.properties 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.700 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.700 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.701 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -XX:+UseG1GC 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.702 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xms1024m 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.702 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx2048m 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.703 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.703 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.704 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.704 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.704 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.705 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.705 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.705 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.706 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library [1.2.21] using APR version [1.6.3]. 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.706 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true]. 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.706 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR/OpenSSL configuration: useAprConnector [false], useOpenSSL [true] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.709 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.810 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.848 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Server initialization in [556] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.875 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal Starting service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.875 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu)] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.885 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.904 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:03.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.017 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.019 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.496 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.497 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.498 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:04.498 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.087 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.132 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.136 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.138 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.140 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.380 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.428 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:05.450 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:08.707 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.embed.LifecycleHandler] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:08.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.861 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has finished in [16,977] ms 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.861 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] with an external docBase means the directory [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT] in the appBase will be ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:20.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.113 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.113 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.114 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.114 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.412 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.437 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.439 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.440 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.441 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.602 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.628 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:21.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:24.689 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.embed.LifecycleHandler] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:24.911 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:24.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.000 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Modified BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.007 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Mozilla Public License 2.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.008 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.010 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.011 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/The Jython License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.011 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.013 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.014 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Apache License 2.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.015 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.015 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/The MIT License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.016 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.017 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.019 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.020 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.021 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Eclipse Public License - v 1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.022 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Mozilla Public License 1.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.023 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Revised BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.024 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.025 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.026 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.027 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.028 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.029 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Affero General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.030 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.031 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/W3C Software Notice and License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.031 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Common Public License 1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.032 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.033 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Simplified BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:25.047 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/javax] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:09:33.392 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.startInternal Exception loading sessions from persistent storage java.lang.ClassCastException: java.io.ObjectStreamClass cannot be cast to java.lang.String at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readTypeString(ObjectInputStream.java:1705) at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.readNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:803) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDescriptor(ObjectInputStream.java:925) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1912) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1806) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:2097) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1625) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:465) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:423) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.doReadObject(StandardSession.java:1576) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.readObjectData(StandardSession.java:1048) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.doLoad(StandardManager.java:218) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.load(StandardManager.java:162) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.startInternal(StandardManager.java:354) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(StandardContext.java:5153) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(ContainerBase.java:713) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(ContainerBase.java:690) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(StandardHost.java:695) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor(HostConfig.java:631) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$DeployDescriptor.run(HostConfig.java:1832) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(InlineExecutorService.java:75) at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(AbstractExecutorService.java:112) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptors(HostConfig.java:526) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(HostConfig.java:425) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(HostConfig.java:1577) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(HostConfig.java:309) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.fireLifecycleEvent(LifecycleBase.java:123) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setStateInternal(LifecycleBase.java:424) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setState(LifecycleBase.java:367) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(ContainerBase.java:929) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.startInternal(StandardHost.java:831) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$StartChild.call(ContainerBase.java:1377) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$StartChild.call(ContainerBase.java:1367) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(InlineExecutorService.java:75) at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(AbstractExecutorService.java:134) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(ContainerBase.java:902) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal(StandardEngine.java:262) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal(StandardService.java:423) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.startInternal(StandardServer.java:928) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:638) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(Bootstrap.java:350) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:496) 06-Feb-2020 15:09:33.832 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has finished in [12,970] ms 06-Feb-2020 15:09:33.835 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:09:33.844 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [29,995] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:10:04.346 INFO [Catalina-utility-1] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.undeploy Undeploying context [/xwiki] 06-Feb-2020 15:10:04.569 SEVERE [Catalina-utility-1] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [xwiki] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@49ae5225]) and a value of type [org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm] (value [ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:05.855 INFO [Thread-15] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.pause Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:05.858 INFO [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.stopInternal Stopping service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.020 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesJdbc The web application [ROOT] registered the JDBC driver [org.postgresql.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.022 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [h2sc-2-thread-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: sun.nio.ch.EPollArrayWrapper.epollWait(Native Method) sun.nio.ch.EPollArrayWrapper.poll(EPollArrayWrapper.java:269) sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl.doSelect(EPollSelectorImpl.java:93) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.lockAndDoSelect(SelectorImpl.java:86) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.select(SelectorImpl.java:97) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.select(SelectorImpl.java:101) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$SelectorProducer.select(ManagedSelector.java:472) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$SelectorProducer.produce(ManagedSelector.java:409) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produceTask(EatWhatYouKill.java:360) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:184) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.tryProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:171) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produce(EatWhatYouKill.java:135) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$$Lambda$441/1451683864.run(Unknown Source) org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil$MDCAwareThreadPoolExecutor.lambda$execute$0(ExecutorUtil.java:209) org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil$MDCAwareThreadPoolExecutor$$Lambda$442/559519926.run(Unknown Source) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.024 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Connection evictor] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) org.apache.http.impl.client.IdleConnectionEvictor$1.run(IdleConnectionEvictor.java:66) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.025 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Connection evictor] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) org.apache.http.impl.client.IdleConnectionEvictor$1.run(IdleConnectionEvictor.java:66) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.026 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [h2sc-4-thread-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: sun.nio.ch.EPollArrayWrapper.epollWait(Native Method) sun.nio.ch.EPollArrayWrapper.poll(EPollArrayWrapper.java:269) sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl.doSelect(EPollSelectorImpl.java:93) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.lockAndDoSelect(SelectorImpl.java:86) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.select(SelectorImpl.java:97) sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.select(SelectorImpl.java:101) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$SelectorProducer.select(ManagedSelector.java:472) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$SelectorProducer.produce(ManagedSelector.java:409) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produceTask(EatWhatYouKill.java:360) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:184) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.tryProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:171) org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produce(EatWhatYouKill.java:135) org.eclipse.jetty.io.ManagedSelector$$Lambda$441/1451683864.run(Unknown Source) org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil$MDCAwareThreadPoolExecutor.lambda$execute$0(ExecutorUtil.java:209) org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil$MDCAwareThreadPoolExecutor$$Lambda$442/559519926.run(Unknown Source) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.028 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [SolrRrdBackendFactory-7-thread-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:215) java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2078) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:1093) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:809) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1074) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1134) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.029 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [MetricsHistoryHandler-8-thread-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:215) java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2078) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:1093) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:809) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1074) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1134) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.030 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-14] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502) org.apache.solr.core.CloserThread.run(CoreContainer.java:2027) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.031 WARNING [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [SolrRrdBackendFactory-7-thread-2] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175) java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2039) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:1088) java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:809) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1074) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1134) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.033 SEVERE [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@667f5710]) and a value of type [org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm] (value [ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.034 SEVERE [Thread-15] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [java.lang.ThreadLocal] (value [java.lang.ThreadLocal@6804ebdf]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[org.xwiki.context.ExecutionContext@4e45dc27]]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.058 INFO [Thread-15] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.stop Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:06.061 INFO [Thread-15] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.destroy Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.410 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.412 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Sep 11 2019 19:47:51 UTC 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.412 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.412 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Name: Linux 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.413 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Version: 4.15.0-76-generic 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.413 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Architecture: amd64 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.413 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.413 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Version: 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~18.04-b08 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.414 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Vendor: Private Build 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.414 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.414 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.415 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/logging.properties 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.415 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.416 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.416 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -XX:+UseG1GC 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.417 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xms1024m 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.417 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx2048m 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.417 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.418 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.418 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.418 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.419 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.419 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.419 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.420 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.420 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library [1.2.21] using APR version [1.6.3]. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.420 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true]. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.421 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR/OpenSSL configuration: useAprConnector [false], useOpenSSL [true] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.426 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.563 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.596 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Server initialization in [732] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.624 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal Starting service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.624 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu)] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.634 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.654 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.656 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.719 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.720 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-html-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.720 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-plain-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.722 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.722 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-xml-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/udunits-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tika-parsers-1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.724 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.724 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/logback-core-1.2.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.729 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.729 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/mchange-commons-java-0.2.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.730 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/snuggletex-core-1.3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.730 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.732 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-reference-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.732 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xz-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-code-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-local-4.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.735 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-template-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/zookeeper-3.4.14.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-bridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.739 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-repository-metadata-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.739 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-date-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-maven-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-annotatedxhtml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-office-importer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-syntax-messagetool-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xhtml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-scheme-standard-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-panels-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-instance-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-password-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-core-0.8.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-referencing-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-velocity-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-queries-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-notifiers-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-job-webjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-displayer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.754 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.754 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.754 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pygments-2.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-configuration-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-transport-http-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-merge-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pdfbox-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/validation-api-1.1.0.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-fetcher-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-container-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-id-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-preferences-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-dom4j-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-configuration-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-job-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-api-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tika-detect-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-edit-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-query-jpql-parser-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-icon-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.7-xwiki.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/vorbis-java-tika-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-html5-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-highlighter-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcpkix-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-webjars-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-security-authentication-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tree-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.ext.jackson-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-csrf-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-nori-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-rest-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/snakeyaml-1.25.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.lib.org.simpleframework.simple-xml-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/reflections-0.9.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax2-api-4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-gallery-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-extension-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-component-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-context-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pdfbox-tools-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-servlet-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-transformation-icon-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-refactoring-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-spatial3d-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-pool2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-configuration-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-store-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-url-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-rendering-macro-include-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-dom-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-lesscss-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-core-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3-1.1.4c.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-stream-xar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-recipes-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-text-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-eventstream-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/less-2.5.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.815 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.815 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerby-asn1-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-creationjob-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-3.10.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-source-legacy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-skin-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-classloader-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/open-sans-1.1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jython-standalone-2.7.1-xwiki-2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-cache-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rest-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.828 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.828 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.828 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-classloader-protocol-attachmentjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sslext-1.2-0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-diff-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/liquibase-core-3.6.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-eventstream-store-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-settings-builder-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.831 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-codecs-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.831 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax-utils-20070216.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.831 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-stability-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.834 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rxjava-2.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.834 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-recipes-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sac-1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-content-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rrd4j-3.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-workspaces-migrator-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-document-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-python-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-velocity-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-edit-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-utility-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-connector-basic-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-scheduler-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-filesystem-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerb-core-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-refactoring-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/solr-core-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-graphviz-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-util-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-security-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-util-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-cache-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-icon-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rest-server-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-template-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-skin-skinx-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-store-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tika-core-1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dec-0.1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-dashboard-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmlpull-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/txw2-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-transaction-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/serializer-2.7.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-kuromoji-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-search-solr-query-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-1.12.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerb-util-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-observation-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-component-observation-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-scratchpad-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mail-send-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/woodstox-core-6.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/plexus-interpolation-1.26.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.13.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-toc-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-query-manager-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-chart-renderer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-scheme-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compiler-3.0.9.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tag-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-icon-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-core-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmpcore-5.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-repository-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-merge-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-notifiers-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-user-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-environment-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/unoil-4.1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/reactive-streams-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-classloader-protocol-jar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/metadata-extractor-2.11.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-backward-codecs-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mailsender-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-store-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-velocity-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-sheet-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/plexus-component-annotations-2.1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-ooxml-schemas-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-formula-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-collection-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-activeinstalls-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-xstream-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-util-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dec-0.1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-dom4j-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs-0.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.906 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.906 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-cluster-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-core-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/velocity-1.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerby-pkix-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-context-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-diffplugin-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.909 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.909 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-cipher-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-transformation-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-impl-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-async-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-expressions-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax-ex-1.8.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-captcha-jcaptcha-webjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-management-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-observation-remote-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-annotatedhtml5-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.946 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.947 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-provider-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.948 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/moment-jdateformatparser-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.949 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/byte-buddy-1.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.949 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.951 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-signer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.951 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/solr-solrj-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.952 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.953 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.953 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-transport-file-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.954 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.955 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-watchlistbridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.955 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.955 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.955 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-parser-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.956 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-legacy-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.956 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-macro-wikimacrocontent-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.956 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xdomxmlcurrent-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.956 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.957 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/less4j-1.17.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.957 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-phonetic-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.957 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/respond-1.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.957 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.957 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.958 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.958 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.958 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.966 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.967 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.967 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.967 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.967 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.968 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-configuration-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.968 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-filter-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.968 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.968 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-template-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.969 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.969 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-configuration-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.969 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-security-bridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.969 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.970 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.970 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-sources-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.970 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff-0.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.970 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.971 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.971 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-user-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.971 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-velocity-webapp-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.971 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.972 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-environment-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.972 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.972 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compiler-3.0.9.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.972 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.973 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.973 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-dom-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.973 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-captcha-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.973 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.973 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.974 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.974 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-settings-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.974 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.975 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.975 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-ooxml-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.975 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-repository-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.975 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.976 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.976 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.976 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.976 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-footnotes-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.977 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.977 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-classloader-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.977 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.978 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.978 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.984 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.986 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-repository-maven-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.987 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.990 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mail-send-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.991 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-model-builder-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.991 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.992 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.992 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.993 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.993 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.993 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.995 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/spatial4j-0.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.995 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/netcdf4-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.996 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.ext.jaxrs-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.996 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.996 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.997 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/prettytime-4.0.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.997 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.998 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.998 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.999 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:07.999 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.000 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-lesscss-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.000 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.001 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tagsoup-1.2.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.001 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.002 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.002 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.003 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.003 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-security-2.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.003 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.004 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-logback-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.004 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/vorbis-java-core-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.005 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.005 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.006 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.006 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki21-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.006 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-observation-local-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.007 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.007 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.008 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.008 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-core-4.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.009 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.009 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.009 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.010 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.010 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/securityfilter-2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.011 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.011 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.012 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.012 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.012 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.013 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-toc-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.013 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.014 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.014 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.015 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.015 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-multi-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.015 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.016 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.016 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-filter-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.017 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-metadata-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.017 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.017 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.019 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/selectize.js-0.12.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.019 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.020 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.13.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.020 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.020 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.eclipse.sisu.inject-0.3.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.021 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.021 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.022 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.022 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.022 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.023 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-display-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.023 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.024 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-jodatime-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.024 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/byte-buddy-1.10.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.025 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.025 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-preferences-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.025 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-locks-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.026 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.026 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.027 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.027 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.027 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/re2j-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.028 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/openjson-1.0.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.028 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.028 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.029 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.029 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.029 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/struts-core-1.3.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.030 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.030 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.030 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.031 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.031 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.032 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.032 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.032 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.033 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.409 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.550 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.565 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.570 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.570 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.571 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-common-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.571 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.571 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/joda-time-2.10.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.572 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.572 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.572 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.573 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.573 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.573 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fop-2.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.574 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.574 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.574 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.575 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.575 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.575 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-posix-3.0.51.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.576 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.576 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.576 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.577 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.577 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.8.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.577 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-diff-1.1.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.578 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-posix-3.0.51.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.578 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.578 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.579 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.579 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juh-4.1.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.579 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.580 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.580 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.580 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.581 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.581 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.581 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.581 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.582 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-http-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.582 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.582 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.583 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.583 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.583 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.584 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.584 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.584 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javassist-3.26.0-GA.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.585 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-common-2.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.585 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-http-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.586 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-posix-3.0.51.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.586 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.586 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.586 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-path-2.4.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.587 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-constants-0.9.14.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.587 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.587 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-http-client-transport-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.588 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jgroups-4.1.8.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.588 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.588 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.589 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.589 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.589 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.590 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.590 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.590 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.591 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.591 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.591 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.592 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.transaction-api-1.3.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.592 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.592 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.593 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.593 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlparser-1.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.593 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.593 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.594 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.594 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.594 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juh-4.1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.595 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.595 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.595 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.596 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22-native.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.596 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.596 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.597 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/janino-3.0.9.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.597 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-common-2.0.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.597 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.598 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.598 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/j2objc-annotations-1.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.598 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.599 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.599 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.599 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.600 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.600 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.600 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.601 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.601 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.601 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.602 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-core-9.4.16.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.602 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.8.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.602 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.602 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpasyncclient-4.1.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.603 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.603 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.603 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.604 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.604 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.604 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-2.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.605 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.605 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.605 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.8.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.606 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-core-5.4.9.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.606 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.606 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.607 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommander-1.35.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.607 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.607 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-annotations-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.609 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.609 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.609 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-sql-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.610 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.610 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-diff-1.1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.610 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-common-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jhighlight-1.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.612 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.activation-1.2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.612 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.612 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.613 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.613 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.613 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.614 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.614 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.614 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.615 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-2.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.615 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.615 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.616 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.616 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.616 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-annotations-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.616 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22-native.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.617 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22-native.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.617 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.617 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.618 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.618 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hppc-0.8.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.618 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.619 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.619 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.619 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.620 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.620 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.620 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.621 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-sql-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.621 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.621 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-constants-0.9.14.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.622 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlparser-1.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.622 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.622 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.623 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.623 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/janino-3.0.9.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.624 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fop-2.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.624 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jhighlight-1.0.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.624 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.625 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/html5shiv-3.7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.625 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-core-5.4.9.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.625 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.626 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.626 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.626 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom2-2.0.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.627 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fop-2.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.627 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.627 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.628 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.transaction-api-1.3.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.628 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/joda-time-2.10.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.628 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.629 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.629 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.629 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.630 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.630 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.630 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.activation-1.2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.630 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.631 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.631 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.631 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.632 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.632 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.632 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.633 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.633 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.633 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-html-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.634 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-plain-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.634 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.634 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.635 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.635 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.635 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.636 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.transaction-api-1.3.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.636 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.636 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.636 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.637 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-xml-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.637 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.637 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/udunits-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.638 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tika-parsers-1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.638 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.638 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.639 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.639 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/logback-core-1.2.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.639 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.639 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.640 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.640 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.640 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.641 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.641 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.641 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.642 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.642 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.642 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.642 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.643 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/mchange-commons-java-0.2.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.643 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/snuggletex-core-1.3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.643 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.645 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-reference-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.645 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.645 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.646 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.646 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xz-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.646 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-code-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.647 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.647 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.647 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-local-4.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.648 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.648 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juh-4.1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.648 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hppc-0.8.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.648 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.649 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.649 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.649 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-auth-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.650 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-template-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.650 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.650 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.651 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/zookeeper-3.4.14.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.651 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.651 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-bridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.652 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.652 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.652 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-local-4.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.653 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.653 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.653 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.653 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-repository-metadata-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.654 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.654 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.654 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.655 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.655 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-date-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.655 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.656 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom2-2.0.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.656 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.656 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-maven-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.656 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.657 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-annotatedxhtml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.657 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.657 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-office-importer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.658 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.658 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.658 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.659 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.659 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.659 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.659 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.660 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.660 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.660 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.661 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-syntax-messagetool-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.661 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.661 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xhtml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.662 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-scheme-standard-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.662 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.662 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-panels-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.662 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.663 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.663 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom2-2.0.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.663 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.664 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.664 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.664 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-http-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.665 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.665 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.665 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.665 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-instance-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.666 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.666 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-password-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.666 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.667 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-core-0.8.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.667 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.667 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-referencing-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.668 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-velocity-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.668 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.668 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/joda-time-2.10.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.668 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-queries-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.669 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.669 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.669 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.670 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.670 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommander-1.35.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.670 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-notifiers-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.671 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.671 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.671 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.671 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-job-webjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.672 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.672 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.672 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.673 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-displayer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.673 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.673 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.673 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pygments-2.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.674 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.678 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.678 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.678 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-configuration-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.679 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-transport-http-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.680 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-merge-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.681 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pdfbox-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.681 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.681 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.681 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.681 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/validation-api-1.1.0.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.682 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avatica-core-1.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.683 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.683 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.683 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.683 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.684 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.684 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.684 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.685 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-fetcher-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.685 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.685 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.686 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.686 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.686 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.687 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-container-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.687 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-http-client-transport-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.687 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-id-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.687 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.688 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.688 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.688 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-preferences-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.689 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javassist-3.26.0-GA.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.689 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.689 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.690 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.690 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.690 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-dom4j-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.690 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.691 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.691 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-configuration-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.691 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.692 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.692 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.692 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.692 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-job-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.693 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.693 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juh-4.1.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.693 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-api-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.694 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tika-detect-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.694 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.694 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.694 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-annotations-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.695 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-edit-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.695 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.695 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.696 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.696 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-query-jpql-parser-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.696 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.697 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.697 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-icon-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.697 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.697 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.7-xwiki.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.698 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/vorbis-java-tika-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.698 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-html5-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.698 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-highlighter-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.699 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcpkix-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.699 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-webjars-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.699 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-security-authentication-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.700 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.700 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.700 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tree-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.701 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.701 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.701 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.701 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.702 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.702 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-local-4.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.702 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.703 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.703 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.703 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.703 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.704 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.704 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.704 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.705 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.ext.jackson-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.705 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.705 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.706 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.706 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.706 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.707 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.707 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-csrf-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.707 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-nori-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.707 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-rest-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.708 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.708 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.708 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.708 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/snakeyaml-1.25.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.709 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.709 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.709 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.lib.org.simpleframework.simple-xml-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.710 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.710 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.710 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.711 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.711 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.711 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.711 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.712 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.712 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.712 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.713 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.713 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.713 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.713 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.714 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/reflections-0.9.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.714 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.714 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.715 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.715 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.715 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.716 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.716 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.716 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.716 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.717 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax2-api-4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.717 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-gallery-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.717 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.717 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-extension-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.718 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-component-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.718 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.718 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.719 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.719 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.719 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22-native.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.719 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-context-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.720 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/pdfbox-tools-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.720 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.720 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javassist-3.26.0-GA.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-servlet-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpasyncclient-4.1.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.722 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.722 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.722 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-transformation-icon-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.723 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-refactoring-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.724 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.724 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.724 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-2.2.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.725 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.726 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-spatial3d-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.728 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-auth-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.729 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.729 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.729 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-pool2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.730 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-configuration-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.730 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-core-5.4.9.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.730 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpasyncclient-4.1.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.731 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-store-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.732 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.732 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.732 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-url-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-rendering-macro-include-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.733 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-dom-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.735 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.735 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.735 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.735 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-lesscss-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.736 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/janino-3.0.9.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.737 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-path-2.4.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/janino-3.0.9.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.738 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.739 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.739 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.739 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.740 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.741 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-annotation-core-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/joda-time-2.10.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.743 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.744 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3-1.1.4c.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.745 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-stream-xar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.746 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-text-1.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-recipes-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.747 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-constants-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommander-1.35.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/j2objc-annotations-1.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlcleaner-2.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.749 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-awt-util-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-text-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.750 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/checker-qual-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-eventstream-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.751 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.752 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-hpack-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.753 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.754 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.754 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/less-2.5.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.756 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-libpst-0.8.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.757 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.758 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerby-asn1-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-creationjob-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.759 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jhighlight-1.0.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.760 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/protobuf-java-3.10.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-source-legacy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.762 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.763 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javassist-3.26.0-GA.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.764 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.activation-1.2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.765 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-skin-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.766 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-classloader-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.768 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/open-sans-1.1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-math3-3.6.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.769 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jython-standalone-2.7.1-xwiki-2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-cache-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.770 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.771 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlparser-1.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rest-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-constants-0.9.14.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.772 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-common-2.0.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-classloader-protocol-attachmentjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.774 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sslext-1.2-0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.775 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jhighlight-1.0.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-diff-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-core-9.4.16.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.776 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/liquibase-core-3.6.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.777 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-eventstream-store-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-settings-builder-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-codecs-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.778 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax-utils-20070216.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-stability-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-groovy-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.780 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.781 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-io-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rxjava-2.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-recipes-2.13.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.782 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-uiextension-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jna-5.5.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.784 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sac-1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-content-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.786 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rrd4j-3.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdatauri-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-workspaces-migrator-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.787 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.788 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-instance-document-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.789 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-python-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.790 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-velocity-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.792 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.793 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-constants-0.9.14.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-diff-1.1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-framework-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.794 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-edit-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.795 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.796 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-utility-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-1.11.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-connector-basic-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-1.11.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-path-2.4.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.798 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.799 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-2.2.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-scheduler-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-filesystem-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.800 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerb-core-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-refactoring-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.801 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/solr-core-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.802 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htmlparser-1.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/junrar-4.0.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-graphviz-oldcore-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.803 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-util-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-auth-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.805 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.806 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-security-2.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-util-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.807 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-cache-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.808 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.6.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-icon-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-display-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rest-server-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.810 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-template-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-skin-skinx-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.811 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/html5shiv-3.7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.812 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-store-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tika-core-1.22.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.813 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.814 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.815 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dec-0.1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.815 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.815 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-dashboard-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmlpull-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.817 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/txw2-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.818 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-transaction-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/serializer-2.7.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-kuromoji-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.819 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-search-solr-query-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.820 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/rome-1.12.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.821 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerb-util-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.823 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-observation-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.824 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-component-observation-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-scratchpad-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mail-send-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.825 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/woodstox-core-6.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bzip2-0.9.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-parser-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.826 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/plexus-interpolation-1.26.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.827 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.828 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.13.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.828 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-toc-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-query-manager-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-chart-renderer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.829 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-url-scheme-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compiler-3.0.9.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.830 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-tag-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.831 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-icon-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.831 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-core-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-css-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xmpcore-5.1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.832 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-user-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-repository-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-api-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.833 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.834 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.834 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-merge-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.834 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-posix-3.0.51.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-notifiers-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.835 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/j2objc-annotations-1.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-user-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/font-awesome-4.7.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.836 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.837 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-environment-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.838 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpasyncclient-4.1.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/unoil-4.1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.839 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-i18n-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpclient-4.5.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdm-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.840 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr305-3.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jgroups-4.1.8.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.842 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.843 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-common-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/drawer-2.4.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.844 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/reactive-streams-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/caffeine-2.8.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr4-runtime-4.5.1-1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.846 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-path-2.4.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-classloader-protocol-jar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.847 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-legacy-model-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-dateutil-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cdi-api-1.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom2-2.0.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-net-3.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.19.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/metadata-extractor-2.11.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/grib-4.5.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-backward-codecs-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mailsender-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.851 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-store-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt-1.9.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.852 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-velocity-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.853 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.854 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-common-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.855 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.856 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-filesystem-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.857 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-sheet-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.858 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/plexus-component-annotations-2.1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-ooxml-schemas-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-formula-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jmx-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/java-diff-1.1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.860 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-collection-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.861 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-activeinstalls-common-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-xstream-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-util-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dec-0.1.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.862 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hppc-0.8.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-json-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-dom4j-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-chain-1.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.863 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.suigeneris.jrcs.rcs-0.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-extension-cluster-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.864 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-core-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/velocity-1.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/kerby-pkix-1.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-http-client-transport-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-2.0.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.866 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-context-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-diffplugin-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jeuclid-core-3.1.11.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-gvt-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.867 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ivy-2.5.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/isoparser-1.1.22.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.869 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-cipher-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpservices-4.5.5.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.870 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-transformation-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-impl-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-async-macro-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.872 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-xml-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.873 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-expressions-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jest-common-2.0.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.874 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/stax-ex-1.8.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.875 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-captcha-jcaptcha-webjar-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-servlet-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.876 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-management-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/diffutils-1.3.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jclf-4.0.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-observation-remote-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.879 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-xml-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-annotatedhtml5-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.881 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-provider-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fontbox-2.0.17.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.882 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/moment-jdateformatparser-1.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/byte-buddy-1.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-signer-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jose4j-0.6.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/solr-solrj-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/html5shiv-3.7.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.884 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-1.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-xml-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcip-annotations-1.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.885 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-resolver-transport-file-1.4.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-alpn-java-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.886 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-watchlistbridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-core-9.4.16.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.887 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Keypress-2.1.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-server-9.4.14.v20181114.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-parser-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.888 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-legacy-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-macro-wikimacrocontent-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xdomxmlcurrent-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-nio-4.4.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-sql-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.890 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/less4j-1.17.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/lucene-analyzers-phonetic-8.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/respond-1.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils-1.9.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.892 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.892 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-sql-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.892 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/HikariCP-java7-2.4.13.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.892 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-switch-3.3.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.893 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.893 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/html5shiv-3.7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.893 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.894 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.894 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hppc-0.8.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.894 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-1.11.4.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.894 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.895 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svggen-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.895 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jstree-3.3.8.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.895 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.896 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/error_prone_annotations-2.3.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.896 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.896 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-csv-1.7.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.896 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.897 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-legacy-configuration-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.897 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-filter-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.897 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-3.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.898 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jython-standalone-2.7.1-xwiki-2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.898 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-common-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.898 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.899 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.8.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.899 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-wiki-template-default-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.899 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-resource-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.899 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-configuration-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.900 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-security-bridge-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.900 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-codec-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.900 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.901 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-localization-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.901 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.901 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-sources-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.901 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff-0.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.902 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-linq4j-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.902 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.902 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-event-user-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.903 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-velocity-webapp-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.903 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.903 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-environment-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.903 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.904 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-tree-7.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.904 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compiler-3.0.9.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.904 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.904 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.905 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.905 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.transaction-api-1.3.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.905 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-macro-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.906 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/apache-mime4j-dom-0.8.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.906 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-captcha-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.906 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-marshalling-osgi-2.0.9.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-settings-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-analysis-7.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.908 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/poi-ooxml-4.0.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.909 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.909 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/j2objc-annotations-1.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.909 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-repository-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.910 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.8.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.910 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-core-2.6.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.910 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-configuration2-2.6.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.910 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.7.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.911 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/fop-2.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.911 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.911 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-macro-footnotes-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.912 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.912 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-classloader-xwiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.912 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset-1.2.16.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.913 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-datetime-2.5.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.913 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.23.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.913 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-3.4.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.913 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-extension-repository-maven-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.914 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jai-imageio-core-1.4.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.914 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.914 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-mail-send-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.915 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/maven-model-builder-3.6.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.915 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.915 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-annotations-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.916 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-2.1.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.916 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-2.1.1.Final.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.916 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-util-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.916 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsqlparser-3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.917 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.917 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.activation-1.2.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.917 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.918 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.918 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/animal-sniffer-annotations-1.18.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.918 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/spatial4j-0.7.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.919 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/netcdf4-4.5.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.919 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jdom-1.1.3.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.919 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.restlet.ext.jaxrs-2.3.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.919 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.920 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-templates-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.920 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-daterangepicker-3.0.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.920 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jgroups-4.1.8.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.921 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.921 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.921 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/prettytime-4.0.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.921 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcmail-jdk15on-1.64.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jmatio-1.5.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.922 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/bootstrap-select-1.12.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-lesscss-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svgrasterizer-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-http-client-transport-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/tagsoup-1.2.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.924 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-dataformat-csv-2.10.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-validator-1.6.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcommander-1.35.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-security-2.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.925 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-crypto-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-logging-logback-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-jsr223-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/vorbis-java-core-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/calcite-core-1.18.0.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.926 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/geoapi-3.0.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-commons-annotations-5.1.0.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki21-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-observation-local-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.927 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-extension-sound-freetts-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-script-1.12.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/cssparser-0.9.27.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/boilerpipe-1.2.0-xwiki.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-core-4.2.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-util-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-extension-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/asm-commons-7.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jgroups-4.1.8.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-core-9.4.16.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/securityfilter-2.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3-2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/freetts-1.2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.10.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-core-4.2.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.930 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/classmate-1.5.1.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.inject-1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-toc-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-exec-1.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-io-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.931 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curvesapi-1.05.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-transcoder-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jempbox-1.8.16.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/http2-client-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.932 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-multi-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-c3p0-5.4.9.Final.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/filters-2.0.235.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-filter-xml-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jetty-http-9.4.22.v20191022.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-core-5.4.9.Final.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpmime-4.5.10.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/sis-metadata-0.8.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/css4j-agent-1.0.2.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-filter-script-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-dom-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.934 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jnr-ffi-2.1.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/groovy-nio-2.5.8.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jodconverter-core-4.2.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/selectize.js-0.12.5.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jquery-ui-1.11.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.935 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.13.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jbig2-imageio-3.0.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jurt-4.1.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/org.eclipse.sisu.inject-0.3.4.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/colpick-2.0.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.936 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/httpcore-4.4.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackcess-encrypt-3.0.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/emory-util-classloader-2.1.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-commons-9.4.16.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-anim-1.12.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-diff-display-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.937 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/disruptor-3.4.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-validator-4.3.2.Final.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-jodatime-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/byte-buddy-1.10.2.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-preferences-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-store-locks-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/commons-compress-1.19.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jboss-logging-3.4.1.Final.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/iscroll-5.1.3.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.939 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/eigenbase-properties-1.1.5.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/re2j-1.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/openjson-1.0.11.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/curator-client-2.13.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jtidy-r938.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/guava-28.1-jre.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.940 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-ext-1.12.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-bridge-1.12.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-component-wiki-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jffi-1.2.22.xed.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta.mail-1.6.4.xed.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/struts-core-1.3.10.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.941 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/javax.persistence-api-2.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/Eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker-4.17.47.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jcaptcha-api-2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-500.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/batik-svg-dom-1.12.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-rendering-transformation-api-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki20-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.1.jar.dpkg-tmp] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.942 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-commons-crypto-pkix-11.10.3.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.943 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/hadoop-auth-3.2.0.jar.dpkg-new] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.943 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/ecs-1.4.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.967 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:08.986 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.010 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.077 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.080 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.232 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/tomcat-web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.233 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.234 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.359 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.360 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.598 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.639 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.643 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.645 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.685 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.687 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.891 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.964 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:09.993 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.074 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Sep 11 2019 19:47:51 UTC 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Name: Linux 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log OS Version: 4.15.0-76-generic 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Architecture: amd64 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.076 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.076 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Version: 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~18.04-b08 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.076 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log JVM Vendor: Private Build 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.076 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_BASE: /var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.076 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log CATALINA_HOME: /usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/logging.properties 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.awt.headless=true 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -XX:+UseG1GC 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xms1024m 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx2048m 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.077 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener.UMASK=0027 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat9 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.078 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.079 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library [1.2.21] using APR version [1.6.3]. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.079 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random [true]. 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.079 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR/OpenSSL configuration: useAprConnector [false], useOpenSSL [true] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.082 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.218 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.256 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Server initialization in [581] milliseconds 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.292 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal Starting service [Catalina] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.292 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.16 (Ubuntu)] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.306 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.329 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.331 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.415 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.416 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.946 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.946 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.968 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:14.987 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.011 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.075 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.077 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.208 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/tomcat-web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.210 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.211 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.323 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.324 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.563 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.613 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.615 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.644 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.646 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [/xwiki] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.783 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.841 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:15.868 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:19.106 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.embed.LifecycleHandler] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:19.343 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:19.354 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.279 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/xwiki.xml] has finished in [16,973] ms 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.280 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deploying deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.281 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.setPath A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet these criteria and has been changed to [] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.282 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor The path attribute with value [] in deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has been ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.283 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] with an external docBase means the directory [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT] in the appBase will be ignored 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.318 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.321 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.489 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.503 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.10.1.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.503 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-platform-notifications-filters-default-11.10.2.xed] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.526 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.530 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.550 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.607 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.609 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/tomcat-web.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.611 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.612 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/web.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.704 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.704 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.822 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.845 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback-test.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.848 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.groovy] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.849 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.850 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.878 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:31.880 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:32.069 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/components.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:32.096 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-overrides.txt] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:32.109 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.annotation.ComponentDependencyFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.046 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.xwiki.component.embed.LifecycleHandler] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.248 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.258 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResources Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses] to the cache for web application [{1}] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.339 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Modified BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.346 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Mozilla Public License 2.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.347 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.348 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.349 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/The Jython License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.349 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.350 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Lesser General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.351 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Apache License 2.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.351 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.352 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/The MIT License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.352 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.353 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.354 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.355 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.355 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.356 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Eclipse Public License - v 1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.357 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Mozilla Public License 1.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.358 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Revised BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.358 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.359 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.359 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Free Documentation License 1.1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.360 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.361 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 2.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.362 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU Affero General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.363 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 1.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.363 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/W3C Software Notice and License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.364 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Common Public License 1.0.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.364 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/GNU General Public License 3.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.365 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/extension/licenses/Simplified BSD License.license] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.375 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.460 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.479 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.492 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.504 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.515 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.524 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.534 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.543 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.546 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.555 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.563 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.571 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.581 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.584 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.592 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.600 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.608 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.615 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.623 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.630 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.637 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.643 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.651 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.654 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.661 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.669 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.676 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.684 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.691 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.698 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.706 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.714 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.721 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.727 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.734 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.742 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.748 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.755 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.761 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.767 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.773 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.779 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.785 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.791 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.797 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.804 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.809 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.816 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.859 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.865 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.871 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.877 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.883 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.889 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.892 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.897 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.902 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.907 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.912 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.918 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.923 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.928 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.933 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.938 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.943 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.947 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.953 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.958 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.964 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.970 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.976 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.982 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.986 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:35.995 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.003 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.008 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.013 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.018 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.022 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.026 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.031 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.035 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.039 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.043 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.046 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.051 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.054 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.062 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.066 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.071 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.075 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.080 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.085 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.089 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.094 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.098 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.103 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.107 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.113 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.117 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.120 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.123 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.128 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.132 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.136 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.140 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.145 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.149 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.153 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.158 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.164 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.168 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.172 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.177 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.182 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.186 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.190 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.193 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.197 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.201 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.206 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.210 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.214 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.218 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.222 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.226 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.230 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.233 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.237 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.240 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.243 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.246 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.249 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.252 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.255 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.258 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.261 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.264 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.268 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.271 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.274 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.277 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.280 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.283 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:36.286 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration] to the cache for web application [] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 06-Feb-2020 15:11:48.227 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.startInternal Exception loading sessions from persistent storage java.lang.ClassCastException: java.io.ObjectStreamClass cannot be cast to java.lang.String at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readTypeString(ObjectInputStream.java:1705) at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.readNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:803) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDescriptor(ObjectInputStream.java:925) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1912) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1806) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:2097) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1625) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:465) at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:423) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.doReadObject(StandardSession.java:1576) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.readObjectData(StandardSession.java:1048) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.doLoad(StandardManager.java:218) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.load(StandardManager.java:162) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.startInternal(StandardManager.java:354) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(StandardContext.java:5153) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(ContainerBase.java:713) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(ContainerBase.java:690) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(StandardHost.java:695) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor(HostConfig.java:631) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$DeployDescriptor.run(HostConfig.java:1832) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(InlineExecutorService.java:75) at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(AbstractExecutorService.java:112) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptors(HostConfig.java:526) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(HostConfig.java:425) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(HostConfig.java:1577) at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(HostConfig.java:309) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.fireLifecycleEvent(LifecycleBase.java:123) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setStateInternal(LifecycleBase.java:424) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setState(LifecycleBase.java:367) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(ContainerBase.java:929) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.startInternal(StandardHost.java:831) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$StartChild.call(ContainerBase.java:1377) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$StartChild.call(ContainerBase.java:1367) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(InlineExecutorService.java:75) at java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(AbstractExecutorService.java:134) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(ContainerBase.java:902) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal(StandardEngine.java:262) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal(StandardService.java:423) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.startInternal(StandardServer.java:928) at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:183) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:638) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(Bootstrap.java:350) at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:496) 06-Feb-2020 15:11:48.631 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor Deployment of deployment descriptor [/etc/tomcat9/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml] has finished in [17,350] ms 06-Feb-2020 15:11:48.634 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] 06-Feb-2020 15:11:48.647 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [34,391] milliseconds