# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------- # Preamble # # This is the main old XWiki configuration file. Commented parameters show the default value, although some features # might be disabled. To customize, uncomment and put your own value instead. #--------------------------------------- # General wiki settings # #-# When the wiki is readonly, any updates are forbidden. To mark readonly, use one of: yes, 1, true # xwiki.readonly=no #-# [Since 1.6RC1] Defines the initial list of supported syntaxes. They list of enabled syntaxes is then controlled by #-# the Admin UI of XWiki. When not defined, the default syntax is configured by default (this default syntax is #-# defined in xwiki.properties using the core.defaultDocumentSyntax property). #-# Example of syntaxes: #-# xwiki/2.0, xwiki/2.1, confluence/1.0, jspwiki/1.0, creole/1.0, mediawiki/1.0, twiki/1.0, xhtml/1.0, #-# html/4.01, plain/1.0, docbook/4.4, markdown/1.0, markdown/1.1, apt/1.0 # mhofstaetter, 2016-09-05, mediawiki syntax hinzugefügt xwiki.rendering.syntaxes = xwiki/2.1, mediawiki/1.0 #-# List of groups that a new user should be added to by default after registering. Comma-separated list of group #-# document names. # xwiki.users.initialGroups=XWiki.XWikiAllGroup #-# Should all users be considered members of XWiki.XWikiAllGroup, even if they don't have an associated object in the #-# group's document? # xwiki.authentication.group.allgroupimplicit=0 #-# Uncomment if you want to ignore requests for unmapped actions, and simply display the document # xwiki.unknownActionResponse=view #-# The encoding to use when transformin strings to and from byte arrays. This causes the jvm encoding to be ignored, #-# since we want to be independend of the underlying system. xwiki.encoding=UTF-8 #-# This parameter will activate the sectional editing. xwiki.section.edit=1 #-# This parameter controls the depth of sections that have section editing. #-# By default level 1 and level 2 sections have section editing. xwiki.section.depth=2 #-# Enable backlinks storage, which increases the update time, but allows to keep track of inter document links. xwiki.backlinks=1 #-# Enable document tags. xwiki.tags=1 #-# [Since 6.1M1] HTTP cache settings: by default, HTTP responses generated by XWiki actions are not supposed to be cached, #-# since they often contain dynamic content. This can be controlled globally using the following setting, with accepted values: #-# - 0: no Cache-Control header sent, use the browser's defaults. RFC 2616 only specifies optional behavior in this case #-# - 1: no-cache; caches must not serve this response in a subsequent response, but the page is stored for the bf-cache #-# - 2: no-store, no-cache and max-age=0; the response will never be reused, not even for bf-cache; note that unsaved changes may be lost #-# - 3: private; the response will be cached by personal caches, such as a browser cache #-# - 4: public; the response may be cached by both personal and shared caches #-# This can be overridden in each wiki using a headers_nocache XWikiPreferences property of type Long. # xwiki.httpheaders.cache=1 #--------------------------------------- # Storage # #-# Role hints that differentiate implementations of the various storage components. To add a new implementation for #-# one of the storages, implement the appropriate interface and declare it in a components.xml file (using a role-hint #-# other than 'default') and put its hint here. # #-# The main (documents) storage. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # xwiki.store.main.hint=hibernate #-# The attachment storage. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # mhofstatter, 2016-09-05, Änderung zu file xwiki.store.attachment.hint=file #-# The document versioning storage. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # xwiki.store.versioning.hint=hibernate #-# The attachment versioning storage. Use 'void' to disable attachment versioning. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # mhofstatter, 2016-09-05, Änderung zu file xwiki.store.attachment.versioning.hint=file #-# The document recycle bin storage. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # xwiki.store.recyclebin.hint=hibernate #-# The attachment recycle bin storage. [Since 3.4M1] default is hibernate. # mhofstatter, 2016-09-05, Änderung zu file xwiki.store.attachment.recyclebin.hint=file #-# [Since 3.4M1] The Migration manager. # xwiki.store.migration.manager.hint=hibernate #-# Whether the document recycle bin feature is activated or not # xwiki.recyclebin=1 #-# Whether the attachment recycle bin feature is activated or not # mhofstaetter, 2017-09-11: Anhang Papierkorb deaktiviert wegen xwiki bug, siehe http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Attachments#HFilesystemAttachmentStore storage.attachment.recyclebin=0 #-# Whether the document versioning feature is activated or not # xwiki.store.versioning=1 #-# Whether the attachment versioning feature is activated or not # xwiki.store.attachment.versioning=1 #-# Whether the attachments should also be rolled back when a document is reverted. # xwiki.store.rollbackattachmentwithdocuments=1 #-# The path to the hibernate configuration file. # xwiki.store.hibernate.path=/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml #-# [Since 3.3M1] Deprecated, use xwiki.store.migration # xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1 #-# Allow or disable custom mapping for particular XClasses. Custom mapping may increase the performance of certain #-# queries when large number of objects from particular classes are used in the wiki. # xwiki.store.hibernate.custommapping=1 #-# Dynamic custom mapping. # xwiki.store.hibernate.custommapping.dynamic=0 #-# Put a cache in front of the document store. This greatly improves performance at the cost of memory consumption. #-# Disable only when memory is critical. # xwiki.store.cache=1 #-# Maximum number of documents to keep in the cache. #-# The default is 500. # xwiki.store.cache.capacity=500 #-# Maximum number of documents to keep in the cache indicating if a document exist. #-# Since this cache contain only boolean it can be very big without taking much memory. #-# The default is 10000. # xwiki.store.cache.pageexistcapacity=10000 #-# [Since 1.6M1] #-# Force the database name for the main wiki. # xwiki.db=xwiki #-# [Since 1.6M1] #-# Add a prefix to all databases names of each wiki. # xwiki.db.prefix= #--------------------------------------- # Data migrations and schema updates # # [Since 3.3M1] Migration and schema updates are now done together. Data migration manipulates the actual data, # and schema updates change the layout of the database. Schema updates are require for proper database access # and migration are useful for migrating data to new formats, correct errors introduced in older versions, or # even for schema updates which are not backward compatible. #-# Whether schema updates and migrations are enabled or not. Should be enabled when upgrading, but for a better #-# startup time it is better to disable them in production. xwiki.store.migration=1 #-# Whether to exit after migration. Useful when a server should handle migrations for a large database, without going #-# live afterwards. # xwiki.store.migration.exitAfterEnd=0 #-# Indicate the list of databases to migrate. #-# to upgrade all wikis database set xwiki.store.migration.databases=all #-# to upgrade just some wikis databases set xwiki.store.migration.databases=xwiki,wiki1,wiki2 #-# Note: the main wiki is always migrated whatever the configuration. #-# [Since 3.3M1] default to migrate all databases # xwiki.store.migration.databases=all #--------------------------------------- # Internationalization # #-# By default, XWiki chooses the language specified by the client (browser) in the Accept-Language HTTP header. This #-# allows to use the default language of the wiki when the user didn't manually choose a language. # xwiki.language.preferDefault=0 #-# Force only one of the supported languages to be accepted. # xwiki.language.forceSupported=0 #--------------------------------------- # Virtual wikis (farm) # #-# Starting with XWiki 5.0M2, virtual mode is enabled by default. #-# [Since 5.0M2] #-# What to do when the requested wiki does not exist: #-# - 0: (default) serve the main wiki #-# - 1: display an error (customizable through wikidoesnotexist.vm or xwiki:XWiki.WikiDoesNotExist) # xwiki.virtual.failOnWikiDoesNotExist=0 #-# Forbidden names that should not be allowed when creating a new wiki. # xwiki.virtual.reserved_wikis= #-# How virtual wikis are mapped to different URLs. #-# If set to 0, then virtual wikis have different domain names, in the format http://wikiname.myfarm.net/. #-# If set to 1 (the default), then the domain is common for the entire farm, but the path contains the wiki name, #-# in the format http://myfarm.net/xwiki/wiki/wikiname/. #-# Note that you can configure the "/wiki/" part with xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath property. # xwiki.virtual.usepath=1 #-# Configure the servlet action identifier for url path based multiwiki. It has also to be modified in web.xml. # xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath=wiki #--------------------------------------- # URLs # #-# The domain name to use when creating URLs to the default wiki. If set, the generated URLs will point to this server #-# instead of the requested one. It should contain schema, domain and (optional) port, and the trailing /. For example: #-# xwiki.home=http://www.xwiki.org/ #-# xwiki.home=http://wiki.mycompany.net:8080/ # xwiki.home= #-# The name of the default URL factory that should be used. # xwiki.urlfactory.serviceclass=com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiURLFactoryServiceImpl #-# Force the protocol to use in the generated URLs. The right value is taken from the request URL, so setting this #-# is not recommended in most cases. #-# For example: #-# xwiki.url.protocol=https # xwiki.url.protocol= #-# The name of the webapp to use in the generated URLs. If not specified, the value is extracted from the request URL #-# and thus it's generally not required to set it. However if you're deploying XWiki as ROOT in your Servlet Container #-# and you're using XWiki 6.2.8+/6.4.3+/7.0+ you must set it to an empty value as otherwise the code cannot guess it. #-# Note that not setting this property seemed to work on previous versions when deploying as ROOT but it was actually #-# leading to errors from time to time, depending on what URL was used when doing the first request on the XWiki #-# instance. #-# For example: #-# xwiki.webapppath=xwiki # mhofstatter, 2016-09-05, leerer Pfad xwiki.webapppath= #-# The default servlet mapping name to use in the generated URLs. The right value is taken from the request URL, #-# preserving the requested servlet mapping, so setting this is not recommended in most cases. If set, the value should #-# contain a trailing /, but not a leading one. For example: #-# xwiki.servletpath=bin/ # xwiki.servletpath= #-# The fallback servlet mapping name to use in the generated URLs. Unlike xwiki.servletpath, this is the value used #-# when the correct setting could not be determined from the request URL. A good way to use this setting is to achieve #-# short URLs, see http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/ShortURLs # xwiki.defaultservletpath=bin/ #-# Whether the /view/ part of the URL should be included if the target action is 'view'. # xwiki.showviewaction=1 #-# The name of the default space. This is displayed when the URL specifies a document, but not a space, or neither. # xwiki.defaultweb=Main #-# The name of the default page of a space. This is displayed when the URL specifies a space, but not a document, or #-# neither. # xwiki.defaultpage=WebHome #-# Hide the /WebHome part of the URL when the document is the default one. Use 0 to hide, 1 to show. # xwiki.usedefaultaction=0 #-# [Since 4.0RC1] #-# Indicate if the URL used in HTTPSevlet#sendRedirect should be made absolute by XWiki or left to application server. #-# Sending absolute URLs is a bad practice and generally not needed. This option is mostly here as retro-compatibility #-# switch and you should always make sure to properly configure your application server or any proxy behind it before #-# using this. #-# 0: send relative URLs (the default) #-# 1: send absolute URLs # xwiki.redirect.absoluteurl=0 #--------------------------------------- # Users # xwiki.inactiveuser.allowedpages= #--------------------------------------- # Authentication and authorization # #-# Enable to allow superadmin. It is disabled by default as this could be a #-# security breach if it were set and you forgot about it. Should only be enabled #-# for recovering the Wiki when the rights are completely messed. # xwiki.superadminpassword=39dc7a4a4f #-# Authentication type. You can use 'basic' to always use basic authentication. # xwiki.authentication=form #-# Indicate if the authentication has do be done for each request #-# 0: the default value, authentication is done only once by session. #-# 1: the authentication is done for each request. # xwiki.authentication.always=0 #-# Cookie encryption keys. You SHOULD replace these values with any random string, #-# as long as the length is the same. xwiki.authentication.validationKey=njvI8RDF9igJSyhFQMB9lhFZqjLgGbtDTYa2MxQPAH8VF9aExA4MRQARWxwxZ96p8zqY xwiki.authentication.encryptionKey=qEwsn5CKGrwkrMSf78YjXCGNQmrVfXvkhOjQZdP9km6R3T9w6yxypI0qYUyszvjpqCwu #-# Comma separated list of domains for which authentication cookies are set. This #-# concerns mostly wiki farms. The exact meaning is that when a user logs in, if #-# the current domain name corresponding to the wiki ends with one of the entries #-# in this parameter, then the cookie is set for the larger domain. Otherwise, it #-# is set for the exact domain name of the wiki. #-# #-# For example, suppose the cookiedomains is set to "mydomain.net". If I log in #-# on wiki1.xwiki.com, then the cookie will be set for the entire mydomain.net #-# domain, and if I visit wiki2.xwiki.com I will still be authenticated. If I log #-# in on wiki1.otherdomain.net, then I will only be authenticated on #-# wiki1.otherdomain.net, and not on wiki2.otherdomain.net. #-# #-# So you need this parameter set only for global authentication in a #-# farm, there's no need to specify your domain name otherwise. #-# #-# Example: xwiki.authentication.cookiedomains=xwiki.org,myxwiki.org xwiki.authentication.cookiedomains= #-# This allows logout to happen for any page going through the /logout/ action, regardless of the document or the #-# servlet. #-# Comment-out if you want to enable logout only for /bin/logout/XWiki/XWikiLogout #-# Currently accepted patterns: #-# - /StrutsServletName/logout/ (this is usually /bin/logout/ and is the default setup) #-# - /logout/ (this works with the short URLs configuration) #-# - /wiki/SomeWikiName/logout/ (this works with path-based virtual wikis) xwiki.authentication.logoutpage=(/|/[^/]+/|/wiki/[^/]+/)logout/* #-# The group management class. # xwiki.authentication.groupclass=com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.XWikiGroupServiceImpl #-# The authentication management class. [mhofstaetter 2017-01-02] xwiki.authentication.authclass=org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl xwiki.authentication.ldap.trylocal=1 #-# (Deprecated) The authorization management class. #-# [Since 5.0M2] The default right service is now org.xwiki.security.authorization.internal.XWikiCachingRightService #-# which is a bridge to the new security authorization component. It provides increased security and performance, but #-# its right policies differ sightly from the old Right Service implementation. In rare situation, you may want to #-# switch back to the old unmaintained implementation by uncommenting the following line. However, only old #-# implementation, still using a bridged RightService will be impacted by this parameter. Customization of the new #-# security authorization component should be done in the new xwiki.properties configuration (security.*). # xwiki.authentication.rightsclass=com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.XWikiRightServiceImpl #-# If an unauthenticated user (guest) tries to perform a restricted action, by default the wiki redirects to the login #-# page. Enable this to simply display an "unauthorized" message instead, to hide the login form. # xwiki.hidelogin=false #-# HTTP status code to sent when the authentication failed. xwiki.authentication.unauthorized_code=200 #-# Used by some authenticators (like com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.AppServerTrustedAuthServiceImpl) #-# to indicate that the users should be created. In this kind of authenticator the user are not created by default. #-# Must be set to "empty". # xwiki.authentication.createuser=empty #--------------------------------------- # Editing # #-# Minor edits don't participate in notifications. # xwiki.minoredit=1 #-# Use edit comments xwiki.editcomment=1 #-# Hide editcomment field and only use Javascript # xwiki.editcomment.hidden=0 #-# Make edit comment mandatory xwiki.editcomment.mandatory=0 #-# Make edit comment suggested (asks 1 time if the comment is empty. #-# 1 shows one popup if comment is empty. #-# 0 means there is no popup. #-# This setting is ignored if mandatory is set # xwiki.editcomment.suggested=0 #--------------------------------------- # WYSIWYG Editor configuration # #-# You can configure the toolbars you wish to see in the WYSIWYG editor by defining the #-# xwiki.wysiwyg.toolbars property. #-# When not defined it defaults to: # xwiki.wysiwyg.toolbars=texttoolbar, listtoolbar, indenttoolbar, undotoolbar, titletoolbar, \ # styletoolbar, horizontaltoolbar, attachmenttoolbar, macrostoolbar, \ # tabletoolbar, tablerowtoolbar, tablecoltoolbar, linktoolbar #-# The full list of toolbars includes the one defined above and the following ones: #-# subtoolbar, findtoolbar, symboltoolbar #--------------------------------------- # Skins & Templates configuration # #-# The default skin to use when there's no value specified in the wiki preferences document. Note that the default #-# wiki already specifies a skin, so this setting is only valid for empty wikis. xwiki.defaultskin=flamingo #-# The default base for skins that don't specify a base skin. This is also the last place where a skin file is searched #-# if not found in the more specific skins. xwiki.defaultbaseskin=flamingo #-# Defines whether title handling should be using the compatibility mode or not. When the compatibility #-# mode is active, XWiki will try to extract a title from the document content. #-# If the document's content first header (level 1 or level 2) matches the document's title #-# the first header is stripped. #-# The default value is 0. # xwiki.title.compatibility=1 #-# Defines the maximum header depth to look for when computing a document's title from its content. If no header #-# equal or lower to the specified depth is found then the computed title falls back to the document name. #-# The default value is 2. # xwiki.title.headerdepth=2 #-# Defines if setting the title field must be mandatory in the WYSIWYG and Wiki editors. It is mandatory when this #-# property is set to 1. The default value is 0 (not mandatory). # xwiki.title.mandatory=0 #--------------------------------------- # Plugin Mechanism # #-# List of active plugins. xwiki.plugins=\ com.xpn.xwiki.monitor.api.MonitorPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.JsSkinExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.JsSkinFileExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.JsResourceSkinExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.CssSkinExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.CssSkinFileExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.CssResourceSkinExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.LinkExtensionPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.feed.FeedPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mail.MailPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.packaging.PackagePlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.svg.SVGPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.fileupload.FileUploadPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.image.ImagePlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.diff.DiffPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.rightsmanager.RightsManagerPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.jodatime.JodaTimePlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSenderPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.activitystream.plugin.ActivityStreamPlugin, \ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.tag.TagPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.zipexplorer.ZipExplorerPlugin,\ com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPlugin #--------------------------------------- # Monitor Plugin # #-# Enable light monitoring of the wiki performance. Records various statistics, like number of requests processed, #-# time spent in rendering or in the database, medium time for a request, etc. Disable for a minor increase of #-# performance and a bit of memory. # xwiki.monitor=1 #-# Maximum number of last requests to remember. # xwiki.monitor.lastlistsize=20 #--------------------------------------- # GraphViz Plugin # #-# GraphViz plugin configuration. The GraphViz plugin is not configured by default. #-# To enable it, add "com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.graphviz.GraphVizPlugin" to the list of plugins #-# in the xwiki.plugins property. #-# Uncomment and set the locations of the Dot and Neato executables # xwiki.plugin.graphviz.dotpath=c:/Program Files/ATT/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe # xwiki.plugin.graphviz.neatopath=c:/Program Files/ATT/GraphViz/bin/neato.exe #--------------------------------------- # Image Plugin # xwiki.plugin.image.cache.capacity=30 #--------------------------------------- # Activity Stream Plugin # #-# [Since 2.0RC1] #-# Activity Stream plugin. #-# The Activity Stream plugin stores data in a dedicated table in the database. Each wiki has its own database. #-# The plugin can be configured to store its data into the database corresponding to the wiki, into the main database #-# (default: xwiki) or both. These options should not be both set to 0 (in this case the local store will be forced). #-# Important note: disabling storage in the main store will prevent the watchlist from retrieving events from subwikis. #-# #-# Default: 1 # xwiki.plugin.activitystream.uselocalstore=1 #-# #-# Default: 1 # xwiki.plugin.activitystream.usemainstore=1 #-# #-# Number of days the events should be kept (0 or any negative value: infinite duration) #-# Note: if this value is greater than 0 a scheduler job will be created, this job will then be fired every week to #-# delete events older than the configured value. #-# Default: 0 # xwiki.plugin.activitystream.daystokeepevents=0 #--------------------------------------- # Watchlist Plugin # #-# [Since 3.1M1] #-# Indicate which mode to use for automatic document watching. #-# The possibles modes are the following: #-# * none: never automatically add document in watchlist #-# * all: add to watchlist any modified document #-# * major: add to watchlist only document which are not edited as minor edit. That's the default mode. #-# * new: add to watchlist only newly created documents #-# [mhofstaetter 2016-09-12 automaticwatch auf none sonst mail Spam] xwiki.plugin.watchlist.automaticwatch=none #--------------------------------------- # Statistics Plugin # #-# Note that this plugin is in charge of storing stats in the database, and offering some API to query them. #-# It doesn't provide any UI. If you wish to install a UI, please check the Statistics Application at #-# http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Statistics+Application #-# (this application is no longer bundled in XWiki starting with 8.0) #-# Stats configuration allows to globally activate/deactivate stats module (launch storage thread, register events...). #-# Enabled by default. # xwiki.stats=1 #-# When statistics are globally enabled, storage can be enabled/disabled by wiki using the XWikiPreference property #-# "statistics". #-# Note: Statistics are disabled by default for improved performances/space. xwiki.stats.default=0 #-# Deprecated since 2.5M1. Use "xwiki.stats.request.excludedUsersAndGroups" instead. # xwiki.stats.excludedUsersAndGroups=XWiki.Admin,XWiki.XWikiGuest #-# [Since 2.5M1] #-# List of users and groups to filter from the visit search request result. Entities are comma separated and can be #-# relative. #-# "XWiki.Admin" means "XWiki.Admin" user on the wiki where the search is done and "xwiki:XWiki.Admin" only filter #-# admin user from main wiki. #-# For example, the following filter default admin user and unregistered user from the most active contributor graph #-# on Stats.WebHome page: # xwiki.stats.request.excludedUsersAndGroups #-# [Since 2.5M1] #-# List of users and groups to skip when storing statistics to the database. Entities are comma separated and can be #-# relative. #-# "XWiki.Admin" means "XWiki.Admin" user on the wiki where the search is done and "xwiki:XWiki.Admin" only filter #-# admin user from main wiki. #-# For example, the following filter avoid storing statistics for the user "HiddenUser": # xwiki.stats.excludedUsersAndGroups=XWiki.HiddenUser #-# It is also possible to choose a different stats service to record statistics separately from XWiki. # xwiki.stats.class=com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.XWikiStatsServiceImpl #--------------------------------------- # Import/Export # #-# [Since 6.2] #-# Indicate if Filter module should be used when exporting a XAR in the export action. #-# By default Filter module is used, uncomment to use the old system. # xwiki.action.export.xar.usefilter=0 #-# [Since 6.2] #-# Indicate if Filter module should be used when importing a XAR in the import action. #-# By default Filter module is used, uncomment to use the old system. # xwiki.action.import.xar.usefilter=0 #-# Hinzugefügt #-# [mhofstaetter 2016-09-09] Profilbild Qualität erhöhen: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/How+to+improve+the+avatar+image+quality xwiki.plugin.image.defaultQuality = 0.8