Upgarding xwiki

i use xwiki version 8.8, i wont to upgrade it to version 11.7. how to backup hsqldb.

See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Backup

this command working for hsqldb?
mysqldump --add-drop-database --databases xwiki > xwiki.sql

No. HSQLDB is not MySQL :slight_smile:

ok, how to backup HSQLDB.

I’ve already answered that. Did you check the link I gave you?

EDIT: it’s really not hard, you need to read the " Backup your database" section obviously…

BTW how you backup your DB doesn’t really depend on XWiki so you can also consult the documentation for the DB you’re using. A quick googling led me to http://hsqldb.org/doc/2.0/guide/management-chapt.html#mtc_backup

got it…
also i made a change in xwiki.cfg and enable LDAP to make xwiki read users account from active directory.can i install new xwiki version and dont replace this file with the new one.