SAML Post Request Problem

I’m currently trying to authenticate users with SAML using the plugin

After some work xwiki now correctly redirects any users trying to login to the SAML SSO, but by the SAML standard the response is a signed POST message.

But this only leads me to an error:


Problem accessing /. Reason:
HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL
Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.8.v20171121

The plugin expects the SAMLResponse to be accesible via the XWikiRequest in the XWikiContext.

Can I somehow alter XWiki to accept this POST message and write it into the context?
Or is there another way to get this message into the context?
I tried writing the SAMLResponse as a parameter into the URL, but it didn’t show up in the XWikiRequest

Just in case anyone else is looking for this:
After some more trying I found that i need to redirect back to http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ did not result in this error and the context is correctly filled.