New members saying hello

Just wanted to say “Hi!”

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hi :slight_smile: I hope you’ll like the new forum!


yes … when answering by mail will be activated. :slight_smile:

Great idea

Following the mails was sometime tedious !

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Hello everyone :wink:
Forum seems to be better solution then mailing list :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi Folks! Very excited to see the new user forum, this is awesome.

I am running two XWikis, both hosted on AWS. One is purely my personal notes on trying to start a business. This is my upgrade testbed. :slight_smile: The other is run on behalf of Swans Market Cohousing organization in Oakland, CA. We have about 30 users on it, so pretty small. Still trying to get the community used to documenting everything.

XWiki is great, looking forward to seeing a strong community develop here.

Hey hi @crw ! Thanks for introducing yourself. We love it when we hear how people are using XWiki, so thanks for that :slight_smile: Don’t hesitate to contribute and if you have ideas or suggestions feel free to send them, we love that!

HI there!
I’m just curious: how much is AWS costing for these two Xwiki instances?
Thank you!

According to Amazon, “$0.023 per Hour”. :slight_smile:

I just moved one of them onto a “startup” plan, so it is basically free. Also with AWS you can pre-purchase time at a discount, so if you know you aren’t going to move it for a year or two you can pay quite a bit less per hour.

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