MyXWiki Creation Request: HomeAgainVR Foundation

description: HomeAgain VR is a non profit trying to make human connection accessible and affordable to everyone. We provide remote companionship in the form of scheduled virtual experiences with our volunteers.

We currently plan to use this wiki to house an internal knowledge base for our tech support team. Eventually we may expand this to also provide a knowledge base for our other volunteers and users.

ownername: homeagainvr (email:

wikiname: homeagainvr

Thank you for administering this service!


I cannot found any user with the identifier “homeagainvr” on Make sure to register on it and give the username you used.


I just created an user with identifier “homeagainvr” (Profile) so that we may use it for this wiki creation request. Thank you!

Your wiki has been created and is available there:


Awesome, thank you!