Jira Project Task error


XWIKI 11.3 jetty with hsqldb
windows 10 OS and google chrome browser
here i am working with jira…so i created a account in jira.xwiki.org… and i use that same credentials for Global Administration: JIRA in xwiki… but when i follow the method that described in the following address i get some error like 403 https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JIRA%20Project%20Management%20Application

Jira Tasks

Unknow error.
(jira macro failed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://jira.xwiki.org/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=(project+%3D+'XWIKI'+and+fixVersion+%3D+'6.4-milestone-1'+and+resolution%3D'unresolved')&field=type&field=key&field=status&field=summary&field=assignee&field=link&os_username=anandhaks& see in log file)

(I find some topics similar to my issue…but i cant find any answer for this…)


i tried both http and https in the url field of the Global Administration: JIRA…
But still there is the same error…

Please Help me…

please help me…?


Is this is the problem?

hi all…
any answer for my question?

Hi @anandhaibs. Sorry but I don’t know, I would need to spend time on this to try it out myself but I don’t have the time and it’s not a priority for me. Maybe you can debug it, find the problem (if any) and fix it ?

Personally I don’t recall any open authentication issues with the jira integration and I couldn’t find any logged at https://jira.xwiki.org/projects/JIRA/issues/

hi @vmassol
Sure… i am currently working on it…i thing it is the problem due to http authentication…(Jira API issue)
because JRJC only support basic http authentication…
and i am not sure about that… i check various possibilities…

Does anyone facing this same issue?