Introducing myself - GSoC 2019

Hello everybody,

my name is Joshua Kühlberg and I want to participate in the GSoC 2019.
I am 22 years old, live in Germany and studying computer science in 7th semester.
As the Open Source world is new to me I am looking forward to gathering some impressions here with XWiki.

Does someone have any first tips to start with?

I am excited to work with you and hope to hear more from you.

Welcome aboard @josh_xy !

Have you seen This is where we have all the info about gsoc.


Welcome @josh_xy !

Thank you @vmassol and @tmortagne!
I already worked through your gsoc page.
I meant more like getting to know XWiki more. Is the getting started site a good approach for that

Best is to start with to learn XWiki.
