How to open a "positionned" livetable


I have a page containing a sortable and filterable livetable with a list of custom objects and using a tag cloud for additional filtering. Each row contains a link to the object.
I would like to be able to to the following:

  1. act on the livetable to select a subset of objects
  2. browse to subset up to a specific page
  3. go to one object page
  4. export it
  5. come back to the object page
  6. come back to the livetable with the previous tags, filters, and page

I could make the 5 first points but an currently stuck on how to redirect to the page containing the livetable at a specific state

Current implementation state

I already have a custom result page with custom URL rewriting, so I could pass parameters to the object pages in order to build a custom link for the return to the livetable. Simply I have no idea on how to build that link.

Already unsuccessfully tried:

  • javascript:history.back(): I used it until I realized that users could export the page. In that case the history.back returns to the export configuration page which is not what I want
  • simple url of the page containing the livetable: works fine but the livetable loses all its configuration and always starts on first page