How to move a page?!

Hello community, I feel seriously stupid right now. I spent the last 20 minutes trying to move some pages around - and failed. I also don’t find any documentation on this. So my very simple question is …

how the xxx can I move pages?!?

I am super confused and would appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance,

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It’s supposed to be simple. I’d be curious to understand why you couldn’t find it so that we can improve it, if need be.



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I swear that option was not there before.
Maybe I need more coffee. That was profoundly embarassing.

Nonetheless, thanks a lot!

I suppose it’s only shown if you have enough rights? I for one don’t see that.

Another nice XWiki feature: any change in a page is trackable and reversible. That page didn’t change since mid-January this year. And only minor changes affecting some images took place since 2022!