Forum application - Data migration to the nested pages version

Hi everyone,

I’m in the process of migrating an existing forum from version 1.9.3 to version 2.2.1 of the forum application. Before proceeding with the migration, I’m wondering if there is already an existing migration script to the nested pages version (I have not found any yet, but I may have overlooked it). Just in case there is not: I propose to list here the migration steps that need to be performed, for validation purpose. So far, I identified the need to convert topics and answers from terminal pages to spaces, and to run the script “ForumCode.Migrations.2.2.1” that will manage page visibility and page name updates. Do you know if there are other important steps to be taken into account? Ccing @acotiuga and @lucaa – also looking into the migrator application by @caubin.

