Allow colors for Live Data action icons

For what it’s worth I’d +1 to default for Option 2.1: Colors based on the direct outcome of performing the action

Perhaps adding configurable options for warning/coloring/prompting on deletion would be prefferable as the coloured examples @amilica shared struck me as alarming/distracting

I’m +0 for option 1. My only problem with it is that if you want to drop the action labels to get more horizontal space (for power users) and you have a toggle action (e.g. lock/unlock) where the on/off icons are similar (it’s usually the case, with only a small variation) then it’s hard to identify the toggle state (color can compensate the lack of label in this case, for those that are not color-blind of course).

+1 for option 2.1. I fear that option 2.2 may lead to some “inconsistencies” (the same action is sometimes colored and sometimes it isn’t) that users won’t understand right away.


I guess you meant “with” and not “without”, right? :slight_smile:

+1 for 2.1. -1 for 2.2 which I find too complex to understand. +0 for 1.

You didn’t mention if the color was applied only to the icon or to the text too. For me +1 to apply only to the icon.


Fixed thanks.

Yes, this is only for the icon, the text keeps the default text color.

Option 2.1 seems to be the favorite option.
I’ll proceed with:

  1. documenting the rule
  2. merge XWIKI-21982: Live Data delete actions does not have a red icon by manuelleduc · Pull Request #2972 · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub on master only
  3. add colors on the lock/unlock actions of the admin users page