AI in XWiki brainstorming

  • Idea 31 building on idea 23, inspired by idea 17 :slight_smile: Based on the answers users provide to questions, label users as experts on topics.
  • Idea 32 (building on Ideas 1, 4, 10, 11, 13, 17, 23) Personalised user dashboard: You select the topics you’re interested in following. Your dashboard is then populated with:
    • updates on topics you’ve expressed an interest in
    • updates on content you’ve engaged with
    • recommendations to check out similar content
    • tips on how to gain proficiency for your user type
    • questions you could be answering to improve the wiki content
  • Idea 33: identify content that is generic enough so it can be pushed to a public wiki (such as Wikipedia) to contribute to the knowledge of humanity
  • Idea 34: (IdentifyTheSaboteur™) identify users who intentionally publish wrong content (such as fake news) to decrease the quality of the knowledge.

Actually :slight_smile:

A very interesting topic, and some very interesting suggestions too.

Idea 35: It would be nice to see what AI/ NLP could do in the space of auto-linking text strings in an article to relevant articles that expand on the topic.

Idea 36: AI wiki gardener One of the biggest pains of people setting up wikis for knowledge sharing is that it can quickly become a mess where people just throw content and nothing can be found anymore. Usually, there is a human that is handling proper organisation of content, moving pages from one place to another, eliminating duplicates, splitting pages that talk about different topics or merging pages that talk about the same thing, pinging users to tell them to keep things clean.
It would be wonderful to replace this human with a robot!
Some of the tools mentioned above can be components/tools for the gardener.

It would also deliver on the promise of being the “best way to organize information” :wink:

Idea 37: Intelligent Upgrade: Have Artificial Intelligence inside XWiki that studies what decisions you take during a particular upgrade, learns from them, and will be able to apply similar decisions on the future upgrades it will make. For example, if we always do MERGE on WebPreferences, if will apply this decision on all WebPreference pages. It would also treat Skin pages in a particular way (overwriting some local .vms or looking at attached xhtml2fo.xsl for PDF Exports), looking for pages that have an XWikiSkins (PDFTemplate) objects attached to them.

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Idea 38: help XWiki users turn chat discussions into new wiki pages or (more difficult) into wiki page updates capturing the gist of the discussion.

BTW for the fun, what’s the difference between Machine Learning and AI? :slight_smile:

Answer: (and retweeted by @tmortagne)


Some mediawiki research done on AI that can give some ideas:

Intellij announces machine learning in its 2020 roadmap: I’m not surprised and it makes sense to provide better and more “wow” auto complete features. Something to reflect on for XWiki too, ie to imagine where we could benefit from past usages of XWiki to offer suggestions, analyses, content, etc.

Some thoughts, may be too late:

Some extending for Idea 4 and Idea 32: automatically collect user favourite pages based on pages he visit more frequently.
Ideas 2, 3, 25, 27 are great!
My Idea 39 - Automatically (user approved) page linking based on similar links in other pages.

It’s not too late! No work has been started. ATM it’s just brainstorming to get the best ideas in the domain of machine learning/AI. One idea could be to find or submit a research proposal to help fund it once we’ve identified something with high value.

Thanks for your ideas and feedback. Keep it coming!

Could easily be implemented nowadays using the chatgpt API

Not a great example but here’s with a real blog post from, using chatgpt:

write a summary of the following blog post: The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.10.2.

This release is the first release of the new 14.10.x LTS branch (replacing the 13.10.x LTS). It is mainly a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 14.10.1 has been released, but it also contains some improvments in code macro and include macro. It also contains fixes for several security vulnerabilities, making it a recommended upgrade.

See the release notes for more information.


The XWiki development team has released version 14.10.2 of the open-source platform, which is the first release of the 14.10.x Long-Term Support (LTS) branch. This release includes bug fixes, improvements to the code and include macros, and resolves several security vulnerabilities. It is recommended that users upgrade to this version for the best experience and security. For more information, see the release notes.

Could also be implemented using chatgpt.

For fun, I did the following with chatgpt. I asked it to generate some content with generate a blog post talking about XWiki and how wikis can change the world:

Wikis have the power to change the way we share and access information, and XWiki is a leading open-source platform that is helping to drive this transformation.

A wiki is a website that allows users to easily add, remove, and edit content using a simple markup language. This collaborative approach to creating and organizing information makes wikis an incredibly useful tool for a wide range of applications, from team knowledge bases and project documentation, to community-driven encyclopedias and personal note-taking.

One of the key benefits of XWiki is its flexibility. The platform can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of an organization or community, with a range of features and extensions that can be added to enhance functionality. This includes things like analytics, search, and security, as well as more specialized tools for things like workflow management and data visualization.

But the potential impact of wikis goes beyond just improving efficiency and organization. By making it easy for people to share and access information, wikis have the power to break down barriers and facilitate the exchange of ideas on a global scale. This is especially important in the digital age, where the proliferation of fake news and misinformation can make it difficult for people to find reliable sources of information.

In conclusion, XWiki is a powerful tool that is helping to shape the future of information sharing and collaboration. Whether you're using it to streamline your team's workflow, or to connect with others around the world, the benefits of a wiki are undeniable.

Then I asked it to generate the headings with provide headings for this overview:

Sure, here are some possible headings for the overview:

1. Introduction to XWiki: A brief overview of the XWiki platform and its capabilities.
2. The Benefits of Wikis: How XWiki and other wikis can help improve efficiency, organization, and collaboration.
3. Customization and Extensibility: The range of features and extensions available in XWiki, and how they can be tailored to fit the needs of specific users or communities.
4. The Power of Information Sharing: The potential impact of wikis on society and the way we access and exchange knowledge.
5. Conclusion: A summary of the key points and a call to action for readers to learn more about XWiki and how it can benefit them.

Very easy to do with chatgpt nowadays!

For example with chatgpt: rewrite the following content in the style of baudelaire: wikis everyday are helping people make sense of information and xwiki is one of the best open source wiki out there.


"In this modern age, where information floods our senses, the humble wiki stands as a beacon of clarity. And among the open source offerings, XWiki stands tall as the premier choice for organizing and understanding the deluge of data that surrounds us. Every day, these digital scribes assist us in making sense of the chaos, and for that, we are grateful." :slight_smile:

Idea 40: Generate content in the wiki using chatgpt. See also These 4 Ai Tools Will Make You Superhuman - YouTube

Can be extended to generate images with something like Stable Diffusion Online

Idea 41: Use topic models to provide a wiki gardener an overview of the topics on the wiki. The user could then, e.g., assign a certain tag to all documents of a topic. When stored, a topic model could also be used to discover similar documents. This has been used before in knowledge management, see, for example, this article. This could also be used in a visualization of the wiki’s link structure to color documents and thus provide a way to visually analyze if the link structure matches the content structure of the wiki. Being more than 20 years old, topic models are not the latest hype but also don’t need any external service.

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